
Each year, 乐虎电子 welcomes hundreds of new transfer students just like you. It’s a place where you’ll build lifelong friendships and establish experiences to prepare you for your future. 教师专注于最大限度地发挥你的潜力, and the entire campus is a truly welcoming community where your journey is as important as your achievements.

我们很高兴能认识你并帮助你顺利过渡. 我们迫不及待地想看看你如何探索NDSU所提供的体验.


100个本科专业: 主修/副修/证书清单
一般教育豁免:已完成文学副学士(A.A.),理学副学士(理学学士).S.), 通识教育要求转换协议(GERTA), or Minnesota Transfer Curriculum (MnTC) from a regionally accredited institution will have their lower-level general educations requirements waived.





Financial Assistance: To be considered for need-based awards, we encourage you to complete a FAFSA 当你申请时. 


  • 学分转换
    • Transfer credit evaluations are conducted in the Office of 注册及记录. 的 evaluation process begins after a student is admitted to the university and takes approximately 1-3 weeks for processing. You will receive an email from the Office of 注册及记录 once your transfer credit evaluation is completed. For more information on Transfer credit evaluations please see the Evaluation of Transfer Credits page. 
  • 转移等效数据库:学生可以检查非官方评估使用 测试工程师.
  • 通识教育:已完成文科副学士(A.A.),理学副学士(理学学士).S.), 通识教育要求转换协议(GERTA), or Minnesota Transfer Curriculum (MnTC) from a regionally accredited institution will have their lower-level general educations requirements waived.
  • 转学指南和协议:乐虎电子有 清晰度的协议 与机构合作,协助转移过程.
  • 转学指导:请联系入学办公室,电话: ndsu.admission@stuido.net or 701-231-8463 for assistance to see what classes you should take before you transfer.  
  • 项目 and Plans of Study: For detailed information on each major, please see our 学习项目



学生成功计划: 学生成功计划 设有各种项目,旨在帮助学生在新大取得成功. This includes everything from orientation and 欢迎周 to a tutoring center and federally funded TRIO programs.

  • ACE辅导 is a free academic support program available to all enrolled undergraduate students. 的y provide tutoring, assistance finding study groups and even just a quiet space to study. 它们位于西餐中心的下层.
  • 取向 offers a specialized experience for transfer students through both online and in person orientation sessions. 在培训会上, 你可以期待了解更多乐虎电子校园的事情, 学者, 财务和与学生和教师建立联系.
  • 欢迎周 takes place during at the start of the fall semester and is a great time to explore campus, 认识其他同学,了解更多乐虎电子新大的事情. We offer special events specifically for transfer students to meet, greet and even eat.

职业和咨询中心: 的 职业和咨询中心 provides holistic advising and career support at any point in a student’s college career. 

  • Academic advising is provided by trained advisors who can help students with major exploration or general advising questions. 学生可以通过 导航.
  • Career coaching services are provided by career coaches who can help with anything related to your career journey. 这包括职业探索, 简历和求职信有帮助, 采访实践, 求职技巧等等. 学生可以通过 导航 或者去谷神星大厅三楼的职业工作室.
  • 实习机会可以通过 握手 并通过我中心的实习项目注册学分. 学生可以在实习过程中的任何时候与实习人员一起工作.
  • Career fairs and events are held throughout the academic year to help support interaction between students and employers.

军事和退伍军人服务: 军事和退伍军人服务 is available to assist veterans and military students with their transition to our university. 他们可以帮助解答有关《乐虎电子》的问题, 学费减免, 登记, 激活/部署和各种其他关注点.

多元文化项目办公室: 多元文化项目办公室 provides a holistic approach to recruiting and supporting students coming from multicultural backgrounds. 的y provide both individual student support along with campus-wide support by providing assistance, 教育及外展.

三重奏学生支援服务 at NDSU is supported through a federal grant and is designed to enhance the educational experience of eligible students while at NDSU. 他们提供专业的学术咨询等免费服务, 一对一的辅导, 职业探索选择, 优先注册, 指导服务等. 要查看资格要求,请参阅他们的 网页.


照顾孩子 at the 沃曼健康中心 provides convenient and affordable high-quality care and education for children six weeks to five years old while their parents pursue education at NDSU.

沃曼健康中心 promotes a culture of life-long wellness by developing innovative programs and services for the NDSU community. 所有的课程和服务都不需要学生支付额外费用. 

新大心理咨询中心 provides a confidential setting where students can receive support for personal or academic concerns. All services, aside from specialized testing, come at no additional cost to students.

学生健康服务 通过赋予学生知识,促进他们的福祉, 承担个人责任的技能和精神, 家庭和社区卫生. 学生健康服务提供预防服务, 为注册和符合条件的新大学生提供急性和慢性护理

NDSU无障碍和残疾资源中心 collaborates with the NDSU community to facilitate equal access in academic pursuits, 提倡自我宣传,促进残疾学生的共融. 常见的住宿是: 

  • 确定适当的课程安排和地点.
  • Priority 登记 for those students whose accommodations necessitate these course arrangements.
  • 替代文本请求.
  • 查阅课堂笔记.
  • 选择测试, 这可能包括(但不限于)延长测试时间, distraction-reduced房间, 一位读者, 一个抄写员, 大的打印, 特殊的照明, 使用电脑.
  • 辅助技术实验室访问.
  • 减少课程负担.
  • 技术的适应性


南大留学 is committed to promoting and facilitating student mobility and internationalization strategies to create practical, 我们当地社区与世界的有效接触. Study abroad encourages transformative learning opportunities that foster academic development, personal growth and intercultural competence that are indispensable elements of a quality education in today’s global society. 

全国交换生 为学生提供在美国另一个校区学习的机会, 加拿大, 关岛, 波多黎各和美国.S. 维尔京群岛,同时支付NDSU学费. Study for a single semester or academic year at one of 200 NSE participating colleges and universities. 

Tri-College大学 gives students the opportunity to take courses at one of five area institutions: Concordia College, 明尼苏达州立大学穆尔黑德分校, 明尼苏达州立社区和技术学院, 北达科他州立科学学院和NDSU. 有关该计划的更多信息以及如何注册,请参阅NDSU的 三学院注册页面.

研究的机会学生是新大实践学习的中心. Many opportunities are available for graduate and undergraduate students to engage in research through real-world experiences that are contributing to the development of new knowledge across a variety of scholarly fields.